Building a More Inclusive America
One Youth at a Time

O ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for God is with those who patiently persevere.
- The Holy Quran (2:153)

Our Mission
INGYouth strives to improve the resilience and confidence of Muslim teenagers. Through our training and certification process, we hope to inspire young Muslims to counter bullying and educate others about their religion and identity
According to recent surveys, Muslim students are bullied at twice the rate of other students.
Help supplement education about Muslims while countering stereotypes. Topics include Muslims and their faith in the modern world, Muslim contributions in diverse fields, Muslim history in the United States, the role and status of Muslim women, and Ramadan and fasting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn the answers to the most common questions that Muslim youth are asked. Topics include the basics about Islam and Muslims, relations between women and men, marriage and dating, views of other religions, sharia, terrorism and warfare.
Muslim Teen Training
Learn more about bullying prevention, presenting in the classroom and responding to difficult questions about Islam.
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